Trail Great for Safe Cycling
Recreational cycling club, Bicycle Wagga Wagga, has conveyed their enthusiastic support for development of the proposed Wagga Rail Trail.
Bicycle Wagga Wagga conducts regular weekly rides in the Wagga area for its membership of over 300 local riders.
Club President, David Ham said, “the Wagga Rail Trail would be an ideal and safe facility to encourage more participation in cycling by local people”.
“Many people are reluctant to ride on the road because they fear the traffic and feel unsafe”, he said.
“In our view, having a high quality, sealed, off road path, will enable more people to cycle more often, and to safely enjoy cycling as a healthy, active and social pastime.”
Families with young children and people new to cycling will find the trail of particular benefit. Safe and traffic free, this is a trail everyone can enjoy.
“Our Club members cycle regularly for to keep fit and to get to and from work, and they particularly enjoy the social benefits of exercising with a group of friends”, said Mr Ham.
“We look forward to the trail coming to fruition and we expect many of our members to use it every week. The Ladysmith Store looks after cyclists pretty well with coffee and toasted sandwiches”, he said.
“It’s a great destination for a morning ride”.