Time for Change

Last month our new Council voted unanimously to give in principle support for the Wagga Rail Trail. Mayor Greg Conkey put forward a Mayoral minute in favour of the project and spoke positively about the huge range of benefits that the trail could bring to Wagga.
At the same meeting, Council also adopted the Active Travel Plan for Cycling, which is part of a bigger transport framework for the City. This plan aims to reduce motor vehicle use and encourage residents to commute by walking or cycling instead, with big liveability benefits.
Five high quality, sealed and separated cycle routes are to be designed to connect suburbs with schools and workplaces (subject to Council receiving State Government funding under the Cycling Towns program).
This presents a wonderful opportunity for Wagga Rail Trail Inc. to work closely with Council to develop the eastern cycle route to Forest Hill and Ladysmith as the Wagga Rail Trail.
So our new Councillors may yet see their wish of Council and community working together for a more vibrant city for the future!

Cristy Houghton