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Grounded in our rich heritage, the Wagga Rail Trail will be a gift for future generations. Creating a healthy, sustainable and connected community, this trail will make Wagga Wagga a more vibrant and liveable city.
About Our Trail
Our project is to develop a shared, off road trail connecting the centre of Wagga to Ladysmith village.

The Wagga Rail Trail will be a 20km sealed, off-road trail connecting Wagga Wagga CBD with the village of Ladysmith.
Following a gentle gradient through rural countryside, the trail will pass Governor’s Hill and Brunslea Park, Forest Hill and the RAAF Base, before crossing the picturesque Kyeamba Creek floodplain via historic rail bridges.
It will be a safe, traffic free trail for passive recreation that everyone can enjoy.
Starting at the Visitor Information Centre, the trail will mostly follow the disused Wagga to Tumbarumba railway line. Access to the trail will also be available at Equex, with links to the Kooringal Rd and Riverside cycle ways.
The Trail will end at the Ladysmith Railway Station track head, with its unique display of heritage railway trikes.
A management committee of landowners, trail users and community services will manage and maintain the trail for the benefit of the whole community.
The Latest News
In this newsletter there are important updates on: WWCC vote on rail trail development in Wagga and Riverside Revegetation Planting Day coming up
Thank you to everyone who helped with the riverbank clean up, NSW Rail Trail Forum and Family Fun Day 9/10 April at Tumbarumba, Share your thoughts on cycling with this WWCC survey, Annual General Meeting notice.
In the past twelve months, we have continued to work toward making the Wagga Rail Trail a reality.
Although the momentum and media attention created during our Crowd Funding and Implementation Plan campaigns has slowed, our work behind the scenes has been equally important and we continue to make progress toward our ultimate goal of trail implementation.
The development of rail-trails could bring a significant economic boost to fire-ravaged communities in the Eastern Riverina region after the catastrophic fire season.
Interested in becoming a comittee member? Wagga Rail Trail Inc. invites all members to attend the Annual General Meeting of the Association.
Declare your support for access to the rail corridor today! Wagga Wagga City Council has presented to the community, final route plans for the shared cycle path to Forest Hill, to be built by mid 2020 as part of their Active Travel Network.
Wagga Rail Trail Inc. invites all members to attend the Annual General Meeting of the association.
Recently elected Independent Member for Wagga, The Hon. Dr Joe McGirr MP is clearly in favour of the Wagga Rail Trail project and recognises the tourism opportunities that it will bring to our region.
An exciting step forward has been confirmed in the development of the Wagga Rail Trail. The first stage of the planned trail, a 10km section from Wagga to Forest Hill, will effectively be built by Wagga Wagga City Council as part of their Active Travel Plan.
Wagga Rail Trail Inc. invites all members to attend the Annual General Meeting of the association.
The Wagga Rail Trail Strategic Directions and Implementation Plan that was commissioned earlier this year and presented to the Wagga community in September has been finalised and the feedback process concluded.
Having welcomed and endorsed the Implementation Plan completed by Inspiring Place, the Wagga Rail Trail Committee has already started putting into action the major recommendations of the Plan.
Wagga Rail Trail Inc. is pleased to present the Strategic Directions & Implementation plan.
This is the plan that will help bring the trail to life.
It has been developed by consultants, Inspiring Place, after three months of comprehensive research and community consultation.
All of our supporters are invited to attend the official presentation of the Wagga Rail Trail Strategic Directions and Implementation Plan.
The disused rail line between Tumbarumba and Rosewood is set to be developed as the historic first rail trail in NSW.
This is welcome news for the Wagga Rail Trail proposal, as the rail trail concept has now been brought into law in this state, setting a precedent for the future establishment of a network of trails across NSW.
A huge number of people were recently recorded using the riverside walking track near the Visitor Information Centre, confirming that once it is developed, the Wagga Rail Trail will become a major community recreation facility.
The original line was a vision to connect isolated and pioneer rural communities of the time. The potential benefits of this line were considered so important and valuable that there was considerable community debate and support for alternative routes before the final route was agreed.
All of our supporters are invited to an open community forum that is being held as part of the community engagement being undertaken for the Wagga Rail Trail Implementation Plan.
The Wagga Rail Trail committee is pleased to announce the official commencement of the Wagga Rail Trail implementation plan. It was our pleasure to welcome Adam Holmstrom and John Hepper of Inspiring Place to Wagga at the end of April, to begin phase one of the implementation plan.
The Wagga Rail Trail Committee is excited to announce a significant project milestone this month. Inspiring Place – a firm of urban planners and landscape architects, has been appointed to undertake the trail Implementation Plan.
The vivid green Superb Parrot is a special bird that nests in protected bushland close to the proposed Wagga Rail Trail route at Governor’s Hill. With less than 5000 breeding pairs left in the wild, it is an extremely vulnerable parrot, classified nationally as a Threatened Species.
Four members of the Wagga Rail Trail Committee recently attended a workshop to give feedback on the Wagga Wagga Integrated Transport Strategy (WWITS), which is broad plan for the future direction of transport infrastructure and services for Wagga Wagga for the next 30 years.
It’s time to take a stand and make your pledge to support the Wagga Rail Trail. To bring the trail to life we need a design plan, which costs upward of $60,000.
Wagga Rail Trail Inc. invites all members to attend the Annual General Meeting of the association.
The ‘Make the Wagga Rail Trail Pozible’ Crowd Funding campaign was launched on Thursday night to a crowd of more than 100 local people at the Thirsty Crow Brewery.
The traditional approach to fundraising has been turned it on its head with an enterprising venture to be launched tonight in Wagga to raise $40,000 in just three weeks.
Electric bicycles or ‘e-bikes’ are bikes equipped with a small electric motor that provides assistance up to 25km/hr. It’s like riding with a permanent tailwind!
Last month our new Council voted unanimously to give in principle support for the Wagga Rail Trail. Mayor Greg Conkey put forward a Mayoral minute in favour of the project and spoke positively about the huge range of benefits that the trail could bring to Wagga.
This month sees the Wagga Rail Trail project move into the next exciting stage of development.
To bring the Wagga Rail Trail to life we need a design plan!
Sitting in your car is bad for your physical health… and mental health too. Sitting in a car, on Kooringal Rd, Lake Albert Rd or the Sturt Highway n traffic for what feels like ages each day – sounds like great fun, doesn’t it?
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A positive article in today's @DailyAdvertiser - our strategy is clear and we are pleased with current progress. https://t.co/Rjc6U2f7Vw
It will make our City a better place to live #waggarailtrail https://t.co/gt34NmL8cU
Our Supporters
These organisations are proud supporters of the Wagga Rail Trail: Brunslea Park, Bicycle Wagga Wagga, Committee 4 Wagga, Riverina Regional Tourism, Wagga Business Chamber, Wagga Wagga City Council, Wagga Wilderness Walkers Inc. Click to read their statements of support.
“Rex’s motto is that our Heart is in the Country and nothing can be closer to the truth when it comes to Rex’s investment in the City of Wagga Wagga over the past 15 years. The Wagga Rail Trail has the real potential to benefit the Wagga airport precinct through the provision of a safe cycle way that links the airport to our city. Furthermore the Wagga Rail Trail will stimulate tourism and discretionary spending which in turn will greatly benefit the socio-economic wellbeing of our City and the surrounding region.”